Hardware Readiness Tests
Goal: veriffy the readiness of the inital hardware by excerising quick functional test items to unblock software development.
Test Items:
First article inspection: all tests that doesn't require software.
visual check
correct component stuffing option (check against Bom and Schematic)
correct component orientation (check pin 1 marking for ICs and Diodes)
Xray check for BGA cracks
Open and short check on critica power rails (inputs, regulator outputs)
Impedance check (impedance of unpowered power supply rails should be high impedance, record anything below 100K Ohms)
correct nominal voltages when input power is supplied
correct clock frequencies for external clocking sources such as a Crystal.
Bring up: it's the step to bring up the embedded system with correct firmware and full functionality.
correct nominal voltages
correct power on sequences
SoC has the right boot sequences (i.e load the device firmware from the right source such as an JTAG programmer)
Write and Read periphearls device IDs (i.e write a know byte into a register and read it back)
load the bootloader and device can boot to system image.