Component Placement and FLoor Planning

Created: 5/13/2020


What is Floorplanning?

Floorplanning is a critical stage in Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design. It involves deciding the optimal locations for components, connectors, and other elements on the board.

Why is it Important?

Floorplanning Insights

Floorplanning is the balancing act between high-speed and power domains. Starting with predetermined locations for connectors and mounting holes, engineers must consider cost factors such as dual-sided placements.

Premium real estate is typically near the microprocessor, reserved for components like memory, capacitors, and crystals that benefit from close proximity to the CPU.

Contrarily, sensors and analog devices like proximity sensors and cameras are often best situated farther away to avoid noise. Components with lower usage frequency, such as keyboard connectors, tend to occupy a middle ground.

Voltage domains become significant when components have varying power requirements, which should be grouped together for efficient power plane design.


Design Overview

Key considerations for floorplanning:

Example High Level Floor Plan for a Steaming Stick

Diagram Key Elements:

This layout considers ease of routing and isolation of different functional domains, while also showcasing the challenges of working with tight layout constraints.

Summary and Conclusion

Floorplanning is pivotal for creating an effective PCB design that meets both performance and reliability criteria. Attention to high-speed and power domains, as well as component optimization, plays a crucial role in this process.

Here are some additional clarifications: